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书名 作者 出版社 定价 优惠价 折扣 购买
You and Me, Little Bear Martin Waddell Walker Books 62.0 55.8 90% 购买

Pete the Cat系列6册 Eric Litwin HarperCollins 375.0 337.5 90% 购买

Clifford's Animal Sounds Norman Bridwell Cartwheel Books 32.0 28.8 90% 购买

Audrey Wood作品(9Books+9原装CD) Audrey Wood Child's Play 880.0 792.0 90% 暂缺

I Am... Library(10册+CD) Jean Marzollo Scholastic 279.0 251.1 90% 暂缺

Give Me My Yam(单本+原装CD) Jan Blake Walker Books 69.0 62.1 90% 暂缺

Little Critter Just A Storybook Collection(六合一) Mercer Mayer HarperCollins 135.0 121.5 90% 暂缺

Mary Engelbreit's Mother Goose Mary Engelbreit HarperCollins 98.0 88.2 90% 暂缺

Outside Over There Maurice Sendak HarperCollins 63.0 56.7 90% 暂缺

Little House附CD Virginia Lee Burton HMH Books for Y 129.0 116.1 90% 暂缺

Mouse Cookies & More+原装CD Laura Joffe Numeroff HarperCollins 213.0 191.7 90% 暂缺

The Grumpalump单本+原装CD Sarah Hayes Walker Books 69.0 62.1 90% 暂缺

The Train Ride单本+原装CD June Crebbin Walker Books 69.0 62.1 90% 暂缺

Treasury of Curious George3册 Margret & H.A. Rey HMH Books for Y 319.0 287.1 90% 暂缺

Child's Play9册+9CD Child's Play Child's Play 880.0 792.0 90% 暂缺

My Very First Mother Goose Pack2册 Iona Opie Walker Books 210.0 189.0 90% 暂缺

Traction Man Is Here 书+原装CD Mini Grey Rbooks 75.0 67.5 90% 暂缺

Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type原装CD (美)Doreen Cronin Simon&Schuster 65.0 58.5 90% 购买

Over in the Meadow (美)Ezra Jack Keats Scholastic 52.0 46.8 90% 购买

We're Going on a Bear Hunt (英)Michael Rosen Walker Books 69.0 62.1 90% 购买

Marshmallow (美)Clare Turlay Newberry HarperCollins 52.0 46.8 90% 购买

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (美)Mo Willems Walker BooksLtd 59.0 53.1 90% 购买

An Elephant and Piggie Book(套装一 系列8册) (英)Mo Willems Walker Books 472.0 424.8 90% 购买

Willy the Wimp (英)Anthony Browne Walker Books 59.0 53.1 90% 购买

Willy the Champ (英)Anthony Browne Walker Books 59.0 53.1 90% 购买

Splat the Cat(12册) Laura Driscoll HarperCollins 326.0 293.4 90% 购买

The Grouchy Ladybug Eric Carle HarperCollins 55.0 49.5 90% 购买

Don't Forget the Bacon! Pat Hutchins HarperCollins 55.0 49.5 90% 购买

Yo! Yes? (美)Chris Raschka Scholastic 52.0 46.8 90% 购买

Inch by Inch(平装) (美)Leo Lionni HarperCollins 52.0 46.8 90% 暂缺

Little Beauty Anthony Browne Walker Books 69.0 62.1 90% 购买

The Doorbell Rang Pat Hutchins Pat Hutchins 55.0 49.5 90% 购买

Pete the Cat Too Cool For School(I Can Read) Kimberly Dean HarperCollins 29.0 26.1 90% 购买

苏斯博士(大开本套装12册) (美)苏斯博士 HarperCollins 1155.0 785.4 68% 暂缺

苏斯博士超经典童书系列8册(提高版·苏斯博士双语经典) (美)苏斯博士 中国对外翻译出版有限公司 151.9 136.7 90% 暂缺

苏斯博士:帽子里的猫-科学故事书系列5册 (美)苏斯博士 Harpercollins 280.0 210.0 75% 暂缺

兰登双语经典系列24册(第一二合辑) (美)P·D伊斯曼 连环画出版社 288.0 259.2 90% 购买

兰登双语经典系列14册(第一辑) (美)P·D伊斯曼 连环画出版社 168.0 151.2 90% 购买

苏斯博士经典绘本系列15册 (美)苏斯博士 连环画出版社 198.0 178.2 90% 暂缺

兰登双语经典系列10册(第二辑) (美)P·D伊斯曼 连环画出版社 120.0 108.0 90% 购买

Mimi Says No:米米说不·特别纪念版(和英童书系列·附多语种CD) 周逸芬 河北少年儿童出版社 23.8 20.9 88% 购买

东方娃娃·绘本英语6册(附CD & DVD盘) 东方娃娃·绘本英语 编 江苏少年儿童出版社 120.0 108.0 90% 购买

小橡树幼儿英语分级阅读LEVEL1+LEVEL2(组合20册附CD) (美)齐佛特 大连理工出版社 176.0 140.8 80% 购买

小橡树幼儿英语分级阅读LEVEL2(10册附CD) (美)齐佛特 大连理工 88.0 70.4 80% 购买

小橡树幼儿英语分级阅读LEVEL1(10册附CD) (美)齐佛特 大连理工 88.0 70.4 80% 购买

欧美经典儿歌 Wee sing 组合9册(附CD光盘) (美)帕姆·康恩·比尔 苏珊·哈根·尼普等 中国对外 144.0 112.3 78% 暂缺

Hippo!英语(家庭版) (英)克莱尔·塞尔比 海洋出版 168.0 142.8 85% 购买

英文字母猜猜猜(蒲蒲兰绘本系列) (日)喜多村惠 编 21世纪出版社 24.8 21.8 88% 暂缺

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